Tango community in Missoula is friendly and welcoming.
Join a playful, fun exploration of this exciting, improvisational dance.
Getting Started
Check out Missoula Tango Community Facebook Group for event details/updates!

Event by 

Every 2nd Saturday
8-9 pm • Introductory Class
(No experience or partner necessary)
9 pm - midnight • Milonga
$15/$12 students
"Hell Gate" Elks Lodge Ballroom 2nd fl
112 N Pattee St
Tango Matiné
Organizer: Lori Mitchell/Nora Harris

Every 4th Sunday
2-5 pm • Milonga
$15/$12 students
Spirit of Peace Center - 506 Toole Ave
Tres Rios Practica
Organizer: Lisa Ronald

6-8 pm • $5
1042 Monroe St
The studio is on the main floor, behind the main house. Enter the white picket fence and follow the path to the left of the house. If the Greenough Park parking lot is half or more full, park further down by the pavilion or use street parking NOT right in front of the studio.
Tango Connections Classes
with Patrick Marsolek & Lori Mitchell

6-week series: Feb 13 - Mar 20
6:00 pm • Beginning Class
7:15 pm • Practica
7:30 pm • Continuing Class
Fees for attending one class series:
$55 or $40 for students
High-school students - 2 for 1 (Just pay for one student and both come!)
Attend beginning class while doing Continuing - Additional $30
1042 Monroe St
The studio is behind the main house.
Tango Connections Missoula
Tango Tuesdays
with Rob & Faith

6 pm • Beginners/Fundamentals
7 pm • Intermediate
8 pm • Mini Practica
120 W Broadway St #B1
Details/updates will be posted on MMS Facebook 
Montana Moonlight Studios
Tango Drills
Guided by Michaela

6:00 - 7:45 pm • $10
MCT Center for the Performing Arts
200 N Adams - 3rd floor, Rm 305
Enter from the side door on Main St